- Plot UDR data curves
- Use existing buffers and diluents for UDRs
- Perform single-point calibration updates
- Enter reagent-specific information
- Utilize within-lot calibration
- Flag antigen excess
- Sample loading while the analyzer is running delivers speed and convenience
- Dynamic blanking methodology minimizes the chances of interferences from non-specific reactions
- Integrated antigen excess solution eliminates the need to prepare antigen excess solution
- Barcoded, liquid, ready-to-use reagents maximize efficiency
- Single-point calibration verification provides labor and time savings
- Rate Nephelometry delivers timely, accurate analysis of specific proteins
- Rate Inhibition Nephelometry detects the presence and level of therapeutic drugs
- Rate NIPIA (Near Infrared Particle Immunoassay) increases analytical sensitivity and expands the IMMAGE analyzer's test menu to include high-sensitivity assays
Additional benefits
- Peak Rate Nephelometry provides consistent and reliable protein testing results
- True antigen excess capabilities and single-point calibration saves valuable preparation time
- Reliable instrument performance with limited service requirements means greater uptime
- Broad test menu with liquid, ready-to-use reagents, coupled with the ease of including additional UDRs, helps you keep up with the latest in clinical applications
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